Features & Content
- 40 valid XHTML landing pages.
- Unlimited color themes with easy color picker + 8 pre-made color themes: Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Green Teal, Olive, Pansy Purple and Dark Gray.
- Dual slider (plus layout without slider).
- Layered elements PSD files (they contain logo, shadows, browser windows and arrows).
- Google fonts.
- Well commented CSS and XHTML pages.
- User friendly documentation.
- You can copy/paste content blocks from layout to another.
- You can delete/duplicate any content block.
Everix Landing template is compatible with all major internet browsers starting from IE7 and above.Everix Mail
Check out the matching email template Everix MailCredits
Icons by Benbackman and Morcha.Jumping woman picture by IKO [not included in the download package].