- 42 Landing pages [3 layouts, 2 background colors, 7 color schemes].
- Responsive design.
- Working contact form.
- Working Mailchimp newsletter subscription form.
- Layered elements PSD file.
- Google fonts.
- Font icons.
- Well commented CSS3 and HTML5.
- User friendly documentation.
- Compatible with browsers starting from IE8.
Unlimited Color schemes
Comes in 7 color schemes, plus a color picker to create your own color scheme.Color schemes are defined in a separate color.css which makes editing/creating color schemes very easy.
Font icons
Thanks to FontAwesome you can choose from variety of re-sizable icons, and change their colors without Photoshop editing!Catch Email Template
Expand your promotion with the matching email template Catch Email Template.
Pictures by: Astragony, Clarita, Johan Larsson and Smswigart.Successful deal and Our team pictures are not included in the download.